Nerd Central

I enjoy talking about the technical aspects of app development, and with Android development now underway I can see where I might want to do this even more.

But as my marketing director informs me that this is going to be uninteresting to the vast majority of visitors to this site, I’m putting the technical digressions into their own little space here, where I can wax loquacious about the frustrations and delights of the technical aspects of developing the app.


4 Responses to Nerd Central

  1. veromom says:

    Nerd it Up! We Would like to hear about the technical aspects of your app development at MK!

  2. Scott says:

    I’d like to move decks between devices. Where are they stored on Android?

    • Mike says:

      I haven’t actually tried doing this, so I can’t guarantee that there are no problems in moving the database. But offhand I don’t know of any reason it wouldn’t work.
      All of the app data is stored in a sqllite database named Sorcerer.db.
      (So moving the db won’t just move decks but also any in-game progress).

      The file path is /data/data/com.theyawns.sorcerersapp/databases/Sorcerer.db.

      • Scott says:

        Mike – thanks for the quick reply. I’m not all that familiar with the file structure on Android, and I’m not finding that directory. Most of the com.* folders are under /sdcard/Android/data/, but there’s no “com.theyawns.sorcerersapp” folder. I see all the images (*.png) are stored in /sdcard/SorcerersApp, which is the only directory ESS File Explorer returns when I search for “Sorcerer”. Any suggestions as to what I’m missing?

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